Families Change Guide to Separation & Divorce

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Where can we get more help?

This section describes the services, websites, and publications that can help you with child support.


Legal Aid Manitoba

Legal Aid Manitoba helps people who are financially eligible, by appointing a lawyer for them. Legal Aid helps with family matters like divorce, custody/access and child and spousal support. Legal Aid does not handle family property division.

Law Phone-In & Lawyer Referral Program

The Law Phone-In & Lawyer Referral Program provides general legal information and advice, over the phone and through email, in response to callers’ inquiries. The Lawyer Referral Service helps people find a lawyer. The lawyer to whom a client is referred will provide a free initial consultation lasting up to half an hour.

Family Conciliation Services

Family Conciliation provides a range of free conflict resolution services to families going through a separation or divorce.

  • For the Sake of the Children is an information program for parents, to help them understand what they are going through legally and emotionally and to help them learn about the needs of their children. Parents involve in custody or access court matters must attend the program.
  • Mediation is an alternative to court. Mediation mediates custody/access, child support, spousal support and division of marital property.

Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP)

MEP monitors and enforces court orders and separation agreements requiring payment of child or spousal support.

Child Support Recalculation Service

The Child Support Recalculation Service recalculates child support orders based on updated financial information. Child support amounts may be reviewed annually or bi-annually and changed if there is a change in the income of the parent ordered to pay support. Both parents must liv in Manitoba. The court order must authorize the Child Support Recalculation Service to recalculate child support at regular intervals.


FamiliesChange.ca: This website contains information to help all members of the family cope with separation and divorce. There are resources for children, teens, and parents.

Family Justice: Clear information to help parents understand child support and find help.

Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-By-Step: This guide includes worksheets to help parents figure out things like special or extraordinary expenses and undue hardship.

Maintenance and Enforcement Program (MEP): Works with both the paying parent and the recipient to try and keep maintenance payments up to date for both child and spousal support.

Community Legal Education Association: The section for Unrepresented Litigants has various resources dealing with family law, as does Publications and FAQ’s, including videos on child support, custody and access, separation and divorce, spousal support and how to conduct yourself in court.

Manitoba Courts: Video library includes "What to expect when attending court".

Family Conciliation Services – For the Sake of the Children: Legal Considerations includes videos on custody and access, and child support.

Maintenance Enforcement Program

Child Support Recalculation Service